Author name: Benjamin Fry

11 Why a well-regulated nervous system can’t be an addict

Blog/Video #11 We don’t think too much of how our behaviour fits into healthcare, and yet there is an industry called ‘behavioural healthcare’. This usually refers to addictions and the work done to help people to recover from them, but it can also apply to people who are given diagnosis of disorders to their behaviour. […]

11 Why a well-regulated nervous system can’t be an addict Read More »

2 You didn’t evolve to be happy – how to hack evolution to find your bliss

Blog / Video #2 We can have the right reactions to things, but often at the wrong time. Sometimes we call this anxiety or depression, or a host of other names depending on how it shows up, but beneath the labelling of different symptoms, all of this has one thing in common; the right reaction

2 You didn’t evolve to be happy – how to hack evolution to find your bliss Read More »